A Bouquet made for my (step) Mom after her surgery
Cut with wall paper so it was easy to put onto the wall and move around
Also cut with wall paper.
Well here I am, getting into the blogging spirit.
I am currently working on a million different projects, a Christmas banner, a portrait collage, a glass turn table, candle holders, flower bouquets, and tiles for presents. No project is completed yet, though I do have a dozen Christmas cards ready for mailing, now I have to find time for making the other dozen cards I still need!
I love my Cricut. It makes crafting so much easier.
I wanted the images to be below this, but they went up top.
The images are of some work I recently did. The second two are walls on my stairway. The first one is a bouquet I made for my (step) Mom who had surgery. It took me under an hour to put together all the cut images I had done previously.
(the images reversed themselves from the order i loaded them, so i had to edit here)